03 Step 3: Identify and Measure Immovable Obstructions
A. Draw boxes in your diagram to show the approximate location of any obstructions such as radiators, vents, pipes, exposed plumbing, etc. that you either can not move or do not want to be moved. Label the object so we will know what it is: i.e. "radiator", "pipe", etc.
B. Measure the obstruction and record the width, height, and depth of the obstruction on your drawing. If the obstruction reaches the ceiling, omit the height measurement. If the obstruction is not in contact with the floor, measure from the floor to the bottom of the obstruction.
C.Measure from the nearest wall to the nearest edge of the obstruction. Measure from the point on the wall that is nearest the obstruction to the point on the obstruction nearest the wall.
Measure from the second closest wall to the nearest point of the obstruction. Note these measurements on your drawing.